Eat lavash and get benefits from it too
LAVASH is a traditional thin bread taking a large part in Armenian cultural cuisine of centuries. It is versatile in ways it could be used, and in convenience of storage. According to UNESCO, it is an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as it was inscribed in 2014 (9.COM) (1).
Lately, we hear of a lot of diseases where we find out there is sensitivity to wheat, and grain in general. While it’s logical to remove those allergens causing sensitivity up to developing autoimmune problems with some people from diet, grains have a lot of vitamins which will be very hard to get from other foods. So isn’t it better to find out what is the reason food used for centuries is causing diseases now? It is also understandable with using of glyphosate and other pesticides, and depleting our soils of necessary vitamins and minerals, there is huge impact at our health. But even if it’s organically grown, grains still cause a lot of inflammation.Maybe we are not doing something right, or maybe our ancestors were using grains differently? In ancient times, there was no commercial yeast sold in the store. But bread, very good one, was baked. How they were doing that? In Armenia, it was usually done on top of the mountain, where people were in hideouts from the enemy. Since ancient times, Lavash was made with sourdough. What is sourdough? When water is mixed with flour and left in a warm place, it starts to gather bacteria from the air (wild bacteria) and grains and starts multiplying, i. e. rising the dough in size. That’s a process of fermentation. Fermentation of any food-vegetables, meats, fish etc.-makes food more bioavailable)Wild Bacteria neutralizes phytic acid of the grains (Phytic acid prevents grains from getting eaten by bugs, and by humans too. It puts pressure on human digestive system, so by neutralizing it we can digest it better)Lactic acid creates a natural antibiotic killing all the bad bacteria, and creating good environment for human digestive tract microflora (probiotic), that’s what gives the slightly sour taste and bubbles (together with carbon dioxide)Carbon Dioxide is not as powerful as yeast, that’s why it is more time-consuming to make sourdough bread than yeast-based bread, but it’s a lot more healthier! And tastier too!It also feeds on gluten, making it easier on the digestive tract of those who are too sensitive to it (and maybe it became sensitive because of too much gluten was coming with yeast-based bread which digestive tract was not used to process before?)Sourdough starter can last for 1000s of years, and bread doesn’t get bad so quickly as yeast-based. Here is sourdough starter recipe from scratch: This recipe works for practically any kind of flour making ultra tasty breads. I tried it with Einkorn, organic wheat, buckwheat, garbanzo bean, barley etc. 1/4 cup water with 3/8 cup flour mix well in the glass jar, scrape down the sides, cover with cheese cloth and put it in the warm place at approx. 65-85 degrees Farenheit. After 12 hours, few bubbles might appear. Feed mix again with 1/4 cup of water and 3/8 cup of flour. Scrape down the sides, cover with cheseecloth and put it in the warm place again. In 12 hours, more bubbles will appear in the mix. Remove half of the mix, throw it into the compost (or add it in any baking-it is just water and flour), and feed it again with 1/4 cup of water and 3/8 cup of flour with the same routine. Feed again every 12 hours. After around 3rd day, mix will be rising by almost double a day in size, and will start to smell sour. It means bacteria is growing well. If it’s not, check the temperature; it might be too low. Feed the mix for about 3 weeks discarding part of the mix, and adding water and flour, and keeping it in a warm place. When is the starter ready? When it doubles in size, it can be used now for baking. usually it is on the 5th-7th day after the start. If not all mix is used, the rest needs to be fed again. That way you can have starter all the time. It also can be refrigerated or dried (spread it in thin layer on parchment paper and air dry), and then frozen for years. Sourdough Lavash (Armenian flatbread)
- 1 cup milk kefir or liquid yogurt such as matsoun (Armenian yogurt), at room temperature
- 1 tablespoon sourdough starter (recipe for sourdough starter from scratch is above, or you can purchase it, or get it for free-source below)
- 2 cups whole grain organic flour (you can use the same as starter, or different one)
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- Whisk together kefir and sourdough starter.
- Add sifted flour and salt.
- Next, knead by hand (or in stand mixer fitted with a dough hook attachment) until the dough becomes nice and pliable and absorbs all the dry bits.
- Cover.
- Then leave in the warmest place of your house for 3 to 4 hours. The goal is not to sour or raise the dough, but to condition and to soften it
Now cook it!

- Sprinkle the dough with flour. I use all-purpose spelt flour at this point because whole grain is a bit rough for rolling.
- Give it a couple of hand kneads.
- Then transfer to a well floured work surface.
- Slightly stretch it by hand when you transfer it to the skillet, wok, tonir, griddle. This helps to prevent air pockets.
*If you want crispier lavash, either cook it longer, or leave it uncovered after baking. We were spraying it with water when we want it soft again
*White all-purpose spelt flour also works well in this recipe.
*If using water instead of kefir, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the dough. It will make it easier to handle.
As with all the other dishes, and even more with authentic, people in the last century were very creative in making fast-cooked, and fast-eaten food. Same happened with lavash also.
Most of the Lavash sold in the world is made with yeast; it’s faster, and thus commercialized. But as always with what’s comfortable, it most likely is not good for us. Yeast-made lavash and breads don’t have all the benefits listed above for the sourdogh lavash.
Although it is time-consuming to make sourdough starter, having good health is more important. As somebody said, if we don’t spend more time and money on the food we consume, then we are going to spend more when we get sick.
And yeast is the one causing all sugar addictions (it feeds on sugar), bloating gases, Candida, and Cancer.
On a lighter note, if you don’t want to make your own starter, you can get it for free by sending self-addressed envelope to an organization called “Carl’s friends” (2) at http://carlsfriends.net/source.html
Source – carlsfriends.netHow to Get Carl’s Starter. USA Residents Send a self-addressed, stamped (55¢ or forever) #10 envelope [SASE49] to: Oregon Trail Sourdough P. O. Box 321carlsfriends.net |
Enjoy your bread and good health!!!!!!🙏😍❤️
Yunona Hagopjanian, MD, CCT, Nutrition Consultant (1) https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/lavash-the-preparation-meaning-and-appearance-of-traditional-bread-as-an-expression-of-culture-in-armenia-00985
Lavash, the preparation, meaning and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia – intangible heritage – Culture Sector – UNESCOLavash is a traditional thin bread that forms an integral part of Armenian cuisine. Its preparation is typically undertaken by a small group of women, and requires great effort, coordination, experience and special skills. A simple dough made of wheat flour and water is kneaded and formed into balls …ich.unesco.org |
(2) http://carlsfriends.net/source.html Global Solutions Foundation SSM has established this web site to provide information and education to our clients and the general public. Nothing on this web site constitutes nor substitutes for medical advice. Always consult a physician for examination, testing and treatment recommendations. No part of this web site should be used for self-diagnosis, treatment or any other medical decision. This web site is provided as an educational service only. Global Solutions Foundation SSM and the author of this web site expressly disclaim all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information provided on this web site. Links or references to other organizations or web sites do not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by Global Solutions Foundation SSM or its agents. Furthermore, Global Solutions Foundation SSM has no responsibility for the accuracy or content of information provided by these sites or organizations and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information provided by outside parties. Contact information on this web site is published to facilitate communications and contact and is not intended and should not be used for commercial purposes. All images and content of this web site is the property of Global Solutions Foundation SSM and are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. No part of this web site may be reproduced or reprinted without the express permission of Global Solutions Foundation SSM